
Delivery of Friday  Sermons

Venue    :    The Pengkalan Lebai Man Mosque, Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
Time      :    Friday prayers


1.    20 Feb. 1998 

Muslims -- The depressed community

An issue  for the muslims to ponder. Despite of the wealth given by Allah to the muslim countries ( especially the world oil producers ), most of the  Muslim world are still living in poverty.  The rich Muslim countries are being exploited,  leaving the poor  Muslim nations unattended by their fellow muslims. Every where in the world, the muslim community could not emerge as  superiors to others.  WHY ?

Full text ( in the Malay Language )

2.    3 April, 1998

Information Technology

An introduction to IT. What is IT and the importance of IT to the Muslims.
The need for Malaysians to equip themselves with the knowledge and expertise in Information Technology. The Muslims today must prepare themselves to master  IT for survival  and excellence. The Muslims must contribute information into the internet so that the coming generation will be well-informed about their religion. The Muslims must also the realise the influence of the internet in their every day life.  Since Internet will have great impact on future, it is important to make sure that the coming generation will have sufficient information about Islam to rely on through the internet.

Full text  ( in the Malay Language )

3.    8 May, 1998

(Mensyukuri Nikmat)


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